Mouth-watering Memoir

My paternal grandmother, Lucena Ravelo Lacho used to say, "Candy, I'm happy. You know, I just live the simple life..." It's true, if we are happy with what we have, we see the beauty in its simplicity. I miss her so much... I love her so much more.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Another Awesome Thing to Note

I opened my email when we got back from Walmart this afternoon and guess what? I got and email from Stephanie McWilliams! I am now part of her mailing list, meaning I get her Feng Shui tips directly from her and Evolving Arts, the company she founded. Today's "My Cup of Chi" email topic focused on "How 9 Quotes from the King that Can Transform Our Lives Today" (MLK) and #6 really struck home with me.

6. "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools."
Especially in this country, we tend to see ourselves as individuals, separate from the whole. We get concerned with our own needs, our own injustices, our own struggles, and our own desires. But if you look around, we are all so utterly interdependent, that it's almost mind-blowing. Every bite of food, piece of clothing, brick that built your home, or piece of metal that makes up your car has likely been touched (literally) by hundreds of other people. Unless we're living off the grid, every move we make is linked to lots of other folks.

The same interconnection is found on an interpersonal level. Every time you meet another, you're making an impact -- either positive or negative. Every smile, grimace, compliment or hug ripples out into your home, your community...and eventually, the planet. Only until we begin to see each other as united, as cells of a larger being... as our very own selves... will we experience peace throughout the planet. So let it begin with you!

This has been my personal mantra since I was a little kid forced to grow up. I quickly realized that if I want people to get to the real me, I shouldn't be afraid to show the best me and focus on leaving a positive impact rather than negative because I want the best people to grace my life here on earth.

Then on her email, she invited all to join her in her Facebook Network of Friends, so I did. I thanked her again for visiting my blog and for sending out great practical tips on using one's chi for good. She responded just a little bit ago:

Subject: You're SO welcome!
"You're adorable... thanks for joining my mailing list too!!!!

Have an awesome week...



She is great! Her personality in her show is not any different than how she shares herself in her email and responses. She is very aware of what her chi can do to impact other peoples' lives, including mine right now. She is helping build my confidence in myself to teach people about Feng Shui to help them better understand themselves through their immediate spaces and circles. I love that!


Hansonpatch said...

I love what you have done to both of your blog backgrounds! They are so cute!

Chandy said...

Thanks, Ann! I actually got the brown idea from your blog!