Mouth-watering Memoir

My paternal grandmother, Lucena Ravelo Lacho used to say, "Candy, I'm happy. You know, I just live the simple life..." It's true, if we are happy with what we have, we see the beauty in its simplicity. I miss her so much... I love her so much more.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Whose Blog Is this anyway?

I really should stop looking and get tempted to click on the recently updated blogs feed at the top of my dashboard, because though normally I am not easily offended, I am very much an advocate of fairness. And some blogs, I just don't care for! Whose blog is this anyway?

Wow, I mean even in the blogging world where your soul can easily be exposed and dissected, people can't help but show their true colors and allow these slow degradation of morals to occur as if these are just another pesky fly they can choose to ignore until it flies away. Do they think that just because others talk like them and feel like them, it is validating? NO! Let me reiterate that, NO!!

I guess sometimes, when one is justifiably emotionally involved about a topic, it is very easy to incite thoughtless, rude responses without much prompting, but isn't that why we're supposed to have private, pour-your-heart out journals or have that bff that can listen about anything? Honestly people, some things should just be kept private, sacred and between those involved, like Heavenly Father, or a long lost relative perhaps?

Lately, I guess since this is a New Year, some falsely see their blogs superior over others or should I state the obvious negative mirror of these "lookie-loos" who has nothing better to do than see how many people relate to them or would maybe, just maybe side with them?

My most infuriating finds: blogs that bag on others' enthusiasm, posts that flourish their sentences with toe-curling words that most likely their mothers would slap them for or what about those blogs that think inappropriate pictures are artistic rather than the truth-mild porno, but porno nonetheless! Blogs are personal; they are intimate to the authors that decided to create them. So what if their posts are sickeningly sweet or lacking in rhythm and panache? So what? I personally think that they are the most honest in this "write but hide" world of blogging. These so called sweet but boring posts are awe-inspiring, they are able to put into words what they wish to be. They are the ones that are fully aware that we are not perfect, so they choose to pour out their heart because they know how to write down what could be, rather than what was and what just happened without much reflection on any possible change! I'm all for free speech, but not at the expense of other people!

I love my friends' blogs; they are able to confine their posts to comprehensible labels that define their emotions for that moment, but those who go out of their way to flourish, bag, reach for the border of no-return moral degradation, boo on you!

You claim you believe in God through your choices of "add ons" and yet, the draw of more confused and just as uninformed audience, goad you to compose ridiculous, hurtful and immoral topics! Mind your own business! Through your mocking missives, you mock God and nullify any real sense of faith you have in HIM since others that have now convinced you, and you've convinced, through your moment of stupidity, lead to that!

If you ever visit a blog, next time, be kind and respectful of those that you see next, because, "hello!" we are all unique, and that includes our brain wiring and perceptions in life!

I believe that when something is not to be done, you work hard at changing, avoiding it; without the expense of others' reflection of their own failings. And hello, bad things do happen to other people and yes, they are allowed to announce that to whoever wants to listen, just like what you are so desperately trying to maintain. Thoughtful people do not slice through others' imagination, thoughtful people quietly cheer everyone around them, because change for the better is gaining momentum!

Did you ever think of that? You, you ridiculous, superficial, artificial, unbelievably vain bloggers!


Eldredge Family said...

I have no idea why you are so upset....but I hope you are okay. I Love reading your blog it lifts my heart! Have a good day!

Lara Neves said...

I never click that button anymore. Ever. I have had to bleach my eyeballs out one too many times! I prefer to stick to Mormon Mommy Blogs! :)

Chandy said...

Crystal, sorry for the shift of post; too many bad blogs out there...

Lara, I agree, I opted not to have it run anymore.

Sorry guys!

Chandy said...

From Anne Hanson:

"I published an old post on reading and what is acceptable to read and how people decide what is on my blog, but it is further down. Let me know what you think?"